Spiritual Medicine

Some experiences elevate mood and soul.

Music, art, comes to mind.

I keep having experiences and thinking, “This is medicine for me.”

Those are the good days.

When that happens, you know that you have discovered “spiritual medicine.”

Spiritual medicine can be the most mundane activities.

My personal favorites include:

  • Writing

  • Strength training

  • Music

  • Showers

  • Giving someone I care about my undivided attention, even when it is inconvenient, especially when it is.

  • Helping someone make a tough decision.

  • Having 30 minutes to study something, anything.

  • Talking to certain people.

Some people find their spiritual medicine at the golf course, the lake, over a meal, or watching “Ellen.”

Flow-state activities, those in which we get totally absorbed, may double as spiritual medicine.

A friend of mine, a lawyer, says that playing 15 minutes of chess on his phone washes his consciousness clean and he can go back to his world of conflict.

What is your spiritual medicine?


“Flow”– Excerpt #1

