Wisdom Study Groups Forming

You, my friend … are you not ashamed … to care so little about wisdom and truth and the greatest improvement of the soul, which you never regard or heed at all?  Socrates

No matter how you are handling it, the pandemic has led us all into various states of isolation. One method for mitigating the negative effects of that is to form a study group with like-minded people.

It’s a relatively simple concept. You find a few people who are interested; you select a book or a topic; and, you get together (somehow) periodically to discuss it. 

About ten years ago, I applied this concept to the topic of negotiation and, working with the Dallas Bar Association, we mustered about 30 participants, which we split into three groups. That lasted about five years. We all learned a lot, and lasting relationships were formed. I now want to apply the same concept to the study of wisdom.

If you are interested in forming a group to study wisdom, please let me know. This would be non-denominational; it would not be a forum to evangelize your personal religious beliefs. We will start when 5 people express an interest, and limit the group to 10. We will decide exactly what aspects of wisdom we will study initially at the first meeting. Meetings will be by zoom (that may change if the plague ever passes) with discussions by email.

I already have a few people who are interested, so jump on board, and send me an email to tom@coachingwithwisdom.com.

Questions and comments are welcome.


The Wisdom of Stephen S. Hall


Challenges to Defining Wisdom