2022 -The Year in Review

Stephen Covey would have called 2022 a year of “sharpening the saw” for me, learning and sharing wisdom and positive psychology, while coaching people along the way.

Blogs Posted

·      What’s Positive About Positive Psychology: Background, Gratitude, and Hedonic Adaptation (2/18/22)

·      The Set Point Theory of Happiness (3/27/22)

·      Are You Sure? (4/29/22)

·      Sources of the Meaning of Life (5/19/22)

·      50 Aphorisms (6/15/22)

·      An Introduction to Stoicism (7/19/22)

·      Stoicism Part Two: Techniques (8/30/22)

·      Stoicism Part Three: Sources (10/3/22)

·      Uncertainty – Part Two (10/20/22)

·      Preparing for Positive Holidays (11/17/22)

Certificates Earned

·      Know Thyself: The Value and Limits of Self-Knowledge: The Examined Life (U of Edinburgh)

·      Know Thyself: The Value and Limits of Self-Knowledge: The Unconscious (U of Edinburgh)

·      Creating Behavioral Change (Wesleyan U)

·      Introduction to Abnormal Psychology (Wesleyan U)

·      History of Mental Illness (Wesleyan U)

·      Specialization: Abnormal Psychology (Wesleyan U)


Spartan Wisdom


Preparing for Positive Holidays