musings from a tortured poet



passions bore us

people understand Elizabethan

Warren Buffet files for bankruptcy

caffeine sedates

Bob Dylan stops writing songs

confidence cringes

men deem cowardice a virtue

those easily vanquished terrorize us

grateful relatives steal from us

clean air chokes us

lovers rage, cheat, and get in our face

unselfish friends prove self-centered

loyal dogs bite

cats who snuggled reject us

safe houses quake

birds spit out our water

fresh meat tastes rancid

expensive meals waste time and money

beauty wrinkles

sturdy roofs sag

curious eyes no longer read

comedians who made us laugh offend us

hours spent building muscles lead to wheelchairs

smiles of grandchildren disappear

heroes lose

winners cheat

books no longer inform us

people stop posting pictures of themselves on social media

permanent begins to temporize

religions lose faith

cancers invade like Mongol hordes

wise men follow snake handlers

men pay whores to leave them alone

existentialists no longer exist

virtuous women sin

sinners create new moralities

what floated sinks

ripe rots

Jesus, Buddha, and Mohammed appear and tell us that they are only myths

Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, Mick Jagger, and Keith Richards all die on the same day

someone discovers Benjamin Franklin’s kite

Donald Trump tells the truth about something

Ted Cruz goes to Cancun and stays there only to die of a melanoma

Someone finds Greg Abbott’s body wrapped in razor wire

RFK, Jr. gets vaccinated

Vladimir Putin accidentally dies from drinking poison intended for someone else

homeless live in McMansions

billionaires feed the hungry dinner every night

wisdom, once our temple of hope and tranquility, defrauds us

Jesus comes back, takes a look around and says, “Fuck it, Dude. Let’s go bowling.”

God appears driving a beat-up Buick with Marilyn Monroe in the passenger’s seat and says, “Just kidding! There is more than one of me. I really don’t care how many gods you worship. Moses lied.”

America is a land of sanctuary and not detention centers



The Power of “Because …”


Self-Absorption or Self-Transcendence?