The Selfish Spectrum


There are basically two types of people: selfish and unselfish.

In fact, we all have two choices in life: (1) to be relatively selfish, or (2) to be relatively unselfish.

Most of us make that choice unconsciously.

The theoretical foundation of capitalism is selfish behavior.

And, yet, we wonder why our children and politicians and sports heroes and movie and rock stars act the way they do.

Take Anthony Weiner.

On second thought (I was about to say “on the second hand” but double clutched!) …

We all live on the spectrum – between selfish and unselfish.

Tyrants versus martyrs: a video game?

We have developed a language around this pattern.

Selfish = egocentric, self-possessed, taker, stingy, tight, narcissistic, ruthless, sociopathic, non-empathic , insecure.

Selfless = martyr, altruistic, giver, kind, secure, compassionate, nurturing, caring.

Most of us are neither evil nor saintly; we reside in shades of gray.

When you are sizing up people, including yourself, and evaluating your relationships, give some thought to where you, and they, fall on this spectrum.


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