What is Zen? Part One.

I wonder how many people think that Zen is an ambiance, a style of interior design, uber-spas, rich women’s bathrooms, stones and planks.

Zen is a variation of Buddhism.

I suspect that Westerners believe that Buddhism is a religion, in contrast to, or competition with, Christianity or Judaism or Islam or all of the above.

Not really: more like a method for self-improvement, more like a method for mitigating, if not eliminating, the behavior we usually refer to as “human suffering”.

I talk to all of my coaching clients about “mission statements”.

The story of Prince Siddhartha, the “Buddha”, is a great example of a guy with a mission statement.

Headlines read: “Young Prince Gives up Everything to Find a Cure for Human Suffering!”

Siddhartha had it all: rich daddy, beautiful young wife, new baby boy, servants, Ferraris, private planes, lunches with Bill Clinton, drinks with Reese Witherspoon, dance lessons from Justin Timberlake.

He gave it all up.



To go and live in the forest with the shamen and the gurus, seeking an answer to: how can we cure human suffering?

It took about six years, but he figured it all out; not only why, but what to do about it.

Imagine that.

2500 hundred years ago a guy figured out why we suffer, he told us all about where it comes from and how to fix it, and we go right on suffering!

His answer (in current parlance): attachment disorders!

We cling.

When we cling, we suffer.

In many ways, the “Buddha” (the awakened one) was the first psychologist.

What to do about it?

Mediate, and be compassionate with those around you who did not know the secret.

But, I oversimplify.

to be continued …


Laughing at yourself!

