Thomas Noble Thomas Noble

2022 -The Year in Review

Stephen Covey would have called 2022 a year of “sharpening the saw” for me, learning and sharing wisdom and positive psychology, while coaching people along the way.

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Thomas Noble Thomas Noble

Preparing for Positive Holidays

No doubt, the holidays depress many of us. Indulge me a few more minutes while I suggest some tried-and-true methods to emotionally vaccinate you against the holiday blues. Like all vaccinations, these suggestions may not cure the illness, but application may lead to mitigation of negative symptoms.

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Thomas Noble Thomas Noble

Uncertainty – Part Two

On April 29, 2022, I posted “Are You Sure?” In it, I promised a series of articles about how understanding uncertainties and paradoxes leads to increased wisdom. This is Part Two.

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Thomas Noble Thomas Noble

Stoicism Part II - Techniques

Except to the most avid seekers of wisdom, Stoicism is either unknown or misunderstood. To the average person, this vibrant, action-oriented, and paradigm-shifting way of living has become shorthand for “emotionless.” … In its rightful place, Stoicism is a tool in the pursuit of self-mastery, perseverance, and wisdom.

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Thomas Noble Thomas Noble

50 Aphorisms

Wisdom can be conveyed in many ways: long philosophical tomes, allegories, myths, poems, literature, parables, fables, songs, and aphorisms.

An aphorism is typically defined as a “a pithy observation that contains a general truth.”

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Thomas Noble Thomas Noble

Are You Sure?

None of us knows as much as we think we do. In my study of wisdom, I have concluded the universe consists of little we humans would call certain.

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Thomas Noble Thomas Noble

The Set Point Theory of Happiness

For those of you who know me as a skeptic (I’ve also been called a “curmudgeon” more times than I care to remember) and believe, based upon my other articles on positive psychology, I have drunk the Kool-Aid, this article will reassure you.

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Thomas Noble Thomas Noble

The Wisdom of Stephen S. Hall

Ten years before Dr. Dilip Jeste published “Wiser,” a science writer by the name of Stephen S. Hall published “Wisdom: From Philosophy to Neuroscience.” His views on how to define wisdom are so aligned with my own and so well-articulated, the best I can do is quote him (at some length) and provide a very few comments.

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Thomas Noble Thomas Noble

Wisdom Study Groups Forming

You, my friend … are you not ashamed … to care so little about wisdom and truth and the greatest improvement of the soul, which you never regard or heed at all? Socrates

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Thomas Noble Thomas Noble

Challenges to Defining Wisdom

I would like to now address some reasons why wisdom is such a difficult word to define and address what I believe are two of the primary challenges. At this point, I offer no solutions, but I will get to that, so stay tuned.

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