Sages Among Us
Every age has had its sages. What is a sage? A sage is a person who practices wisdom and has reached a certain level of competency. The wisdom tradition in the West tracks its lineage back to Moses, Solomon, Socrates. The East gave us Lao Tzu, Confucius, and Buddha.
Financial Coaching for Couples: Vaccine for Divorce?
John Gottman is the predominant guru on the subject of why marriages survive or fail (see, e.g., The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work).
He defines the primary causes of discord between couples as:
Coaching Men With Prostate Cancer
I’m a professional coach, and I have prostate cancer.
I became a coach because coaching makes sense to me.
Some of us have problems that do not require a mental health professional; we want help with goal-setting, mission statements, and life strategies.
Mission Statements
I don’t believe in much, but I believe in good life strategies. Good life strategies improve lives, no matter what our religious denomination, or lack thereof. Good life strategies = wise living. One good life strategy is to adopt a mission.
The Selfish Spectrum
There are basically two types of people: selfish and unselfish.
In fact, we all have two choices in life: (1) to be relatively selfish, or (2) to be relatively unselfish.
Most of us make that choice unconsciously.
10 Simple Rules for Living the Wise Life
Wise living is balanced living.
Wisdom and balance go hand and hand.
Most of us can divide our lives into categories.
The Lesson of George Zimmerman
In Susan Trott’s modern day spiritual classic, “The Holy Man”, pilgrims with problems climb a mountain path and stand in line for days to meet with the Holy Man.
Laughing at yourself!
My middle-class-faux-elegant dining room table now houses two laptops: a MacBook and a Dell, just to prove that I’m an equal opportunity wannabe nerd. Alongside sit my iPhone and iPad.
What is Zen? Part One.
I wonder how many people think that Zen is an ambiance, a style of interior design, uber-spas, rich women’s bathrooms, stones and planks. Zen is a variation of Buddhism.
Lessons in Humility
“To traditional Lakota, humility was the one virtue that enhanced other virtues.” - Joseph M. Marshall III.
One great warrior speaks frequently of his accomplishments, walking with a swagger. Another great warrior remains silent, lets others speak of his accomplishments, his eyes always on the earth path.
Jonathan Haidt
I recently discovered Jonathan Haidt, Virginia psychologist and author of The Happiness Hypothesis: Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom.
Coaching Fees
Being older means that you have been a part of history whether you like it or not. For me, it’s been interesting to watch America change from a manufacturing society to a service society.
Legal services have been around since pre-Roman days, but not even Marcus Aurelius had a Certified Financial Planner.
Book Recommendation
“The Happiness Hypothesis: Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom” by Jonathan Haidt
Inferring Emptiness
Buddha taught that reality is transient and impermanent.
Around the same time, on the other side of the world, before Internet, cell phones, Facebook, or e-mail, a Greek called “Heraclitus” was making a name for himself by teaching wisdom is short blurbs, including “the only thing constant is change”.
A Dose of Schopenhauer
Arthur Schopenhauer was a German philosopher during the halcyon days of German philosophy. Kant, Fichte, Hegel: those guys. As you can tell, every day for Art was a bad-hair day. This may have colored his thinking, but we will save that discussion for another day.
Epiphenomenalism: One of the Most Disturbing Ideas in Philosophy
Lifelong couples do this simple thing 85% of the time
Hack your brain for better problem solving
How to Replace Negative Thoughts
7 Things I Do When My Anxiety Skyrockets
5 Books That Channel Wisdom from History’s Great Thinkers
Zoroastrianism And Persian Mythology: The Foundation Of Belief